Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us by email, phone, or using that contact form below.  We also have an FAQ section which covers many common questions including delivery and pickup options.

Direct Phone and Email


  • Adelaide Canoe Works (Wingfield/Adelaide) P:(08) 8277 8422
  • Paddlesports Megastore (O’Connor/Perth) P:(08) 9330 7553

Warehouse Pickup Locations

We currently offer a free warehouse pickup for online kayak purchases, at the following locations:

Perth W.A.:
Paddlesports Megastore
109 Garling St., O’Connor WA 6163

109 Garling St., O’Connor WA 6163

P:(08) 9330 7553

Melbourne VIC:

new location TBA

Adelaide SA:
Adelaide Canoe Works
U7, 7-9 Streiff Rd, Wingfield SA 5013
P:(08) 8277 8422